7 Stats that Prove the Importance of Social Media Marketing for your Business in 2022

Kimberly Leckie
3 min readJan 7, 2022

1. 55% of consumers learn about new brands on Social Media.

Radio and Television commercials are becoming redundant. Social Media is a sure way to connect with your ideal customer for a reasonable cost and measurable return on investment.

2. 68% of consumers agree that Social Media enables them to interact with brands and companies.

Feedback, feedback, feedback. Through Social Media Marketing customers are now able to communicate with brands directly rather than the one-way dialogue where the company alone is speaking at its customers through advertisements with no direct feedback from the audience. This feedback allows for brands to be closer to their audience and what they think about what the company is presented. This is one way how Social Media Marketing is a cut above traditional marketing channels.

3. 43% of consumers increased their social media use to discover new products in the last year

Businesses and companies need to prepare forward-looking strategies that place their products and services front and center. Customers are now using social media to shop so brands must position themselves to meet this need.

4. 78% of consumers are willing to buy from a company after having a positive experience with them on social.

Not only does a positive experience encourage a customer to make a purchase from your brand, but they’re also more likely to choose your brand over competitors, recommend your brand to their network and feel stronger brand loyalty. This connection allotted by Social Media Marketing helps to strengthen the relationship between the brand and its customers, it is this meaningful relationship that turns customers into repeat customers, and repeat customers into advocates.

5. 80% of business executives think it’s essential to invest additional resources in Social Media Marketing.

Social can make big brands feel welcoming and accessible. On the other side of the spectrum, small businesses can use social media to reach larger audiences while also engaging local, loyal followers. Therefore investing in additional resources can add more value as it relates to customer engagement and growth.

6. 91% of executives will increase social media marketing budgets in the next 3 years.

Growth is slow, however business executives understand that growth will occur as more consumers have started to rely on social media more and more. Strategic business executives are currently aligning themselves to maximize on the increasing reliance of target members on Social Media.

7. 72% of companies use social media data to inform business decisions.

Companies have understood that social media is the new television, where they are better able to get effective and precise feedback from customers in real-time. Thus companies have opted to listen to their customers directly through Social Media. This continues to prove itself as one of the greatest advantages of Social Media Marketing.

Ready to take your business to the next level with Social Media Marketing? Contact me at KimberlyLLeckie@gmail.com for data-driven marketing strategies supported by cutting-edge creativity.

Report: Sprout Social. 2022. The Future of Social Media: New Data for 2021 & Beyond. [online] Available at: <https://sproutsocial.com/insights/data/harris-insights-report/> [Accessed 1 January 2022].

By Kimberly Leckie

